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New AC Refrigerants R454B and R-32: When to Upgrade Your Air Conditioner

UPDATED: New AC Refrigerants R454B and R-32: When to Upgrade Your Air Conditioner

Updated January 2025

Starting in 2025, all new air conditioners and heat pumps are required to use a new refrigerant. This is part of a series of new government regulations aimed at shifting the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) industry toward more eco-friendly heating and cooling solutions. These solutions can have lasting benefits for the environment, but the changes involved bring manufacturing challenges that result in higher prices for consumers.

Let’s dive into the details on the 2025 AC refrigerant update. In addition to explaining what’s happening and why, we’ll also explore how the changes will affect you as a homeowner.  Then, we’ll give you our expert advice on when to upgrade your AC system.

Understanding the R-410A Refrigerant Phase-Out


In 2020, Congress approved the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act, limiting the production of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) based on their Global Warming Potential (GWP).

GWP measures a substance’s climate warming impact compared with CO2. According to the GWP rating scale, HFC emissions can be hundreds or even thousands of times more harmful than emissions from carbon dioxide.

Prior to 2025, R-410A was the standard refrigerant for home and commercial AC systems. R-410A replaced the refrigerant R-22 (Freon), which was phased out in 2010 and banned in 2020 for its negative impact on the ozone layer. Though not ozone-depleting, R-410A is an HFC. It has a higher GWP rating than R-22, making it necessary to seek another, more climate-friendly replacement.

Limitations and Deadlines

The EPA, under the AIM Act, began limiting the production of R-410A and other HFCs exceeding a certain GWP limit, first by 10% in 2020 and then by an additional 30% in 2024. Now, they have required all HVAC manufacturers to stop producing all new AC and heat pump systems containing R-410A by January 1, 2025.

Manufacturers may continue selling R-410A systems produced prior to the deadline as long as they are installed before January 1, 2026. There is currently no limitation on the production of replacement components for existing R-410A systems.

New AC Refrigerants

Two refrigerants have emerged to take R-410A’s place: R-454B and R-32. Some manufacturers have fully embraced one or the other, while other companies have chosen to use both for different applications.

R-454B Refrigerant

Most HVAC manufacturers in the United States (among them Johnson Controls (York), Lennox, Trane, and Carrier) have decided to adopt R-454B (also known as Opteon™ XL41 or Puron Advance™) as the new standard refrigerant to replace R-410A. Here are some reasons why:

  • Far from GWP limit: R-454B’s global warming potential (GWP) rating of 467 is 78% lower than R-410A’s GWP and well below the EPA’s limit of 700 GWP. Should the EPA lower the limit in the future, the hope is that R-454B’s GWP is low enough to still be compliant.
  • Small learning curve: In the testing phases, the new refrigerant behaved very similarly to R-410A, reducing the learning curve for AC companies like us.
  • More energy efficient: Daikin and Carrier estimate that R-454B is between 2-3% more energy efficient than R-410A, which is good news for the environment and your electricity bill.

R-32 Refrigerant

Other HVAC manufacturers, including Daikin (along with its other North American HVAC brands, Amana and Goodman) and many brands in the international market, have selected R-32 as their refrigerant of choice. Like R-454B, R-32 does not deplete ozone levels. Its 675 GWP rating (although higher than R-454B’s 467 GWP) is just under the EPA’s limit.

Lennox also announced that, while their new whole-home ducted air conditioning units will use R-454B, they will use R-32 for their ductless mini split systems.

Daikin created a website dedicated to detailing their 32 reasons for choosing R-32. Here are just a few:

  • High-efficiency: R-32 systems are up to 12% more efficient than R-410A systems.
  • Already in use: Many products worldwide (they say 280 million) have been using R-32 prior to 2025.
  • Non-exclusive: R-32 is available via multiple suppliers because there is not an active patent.

Mild Flammability: The Eco-Friendly Tradeoff

Both new refrigerants have many positive qualities, but they also share a downside. Although R-454B and R-32 are both eco-friendlier than R-410A, they are also more flammable.

Should you be concerned? Well, to put things in perspective, all refrigerants are flammable. Some are just more flammable than others.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers’ (ASHRAE) has a flammability and toxicity scale for refrigerants. On that scale, R-410A carries an A1 rating, while R-454B and R-32 are rated A2L. Figure 1 below shows how the flammability ratings relate to one another. As you can see, A2L is only one step more flammable than A1. (Note: In the chart, the letter indicates the toxicity rating (A = lower toxicity and B = higher toxicity), while the numeral indicates flammability).

Figure 1: ASHRAE Refrigerant Safety Group Classification3

 Lower toxicityHigher toxicity
Higher FlammabilityA3B3
Lower FlammabilityA2L (R-454B & R-32)B2L
No flame propagationA1 (R-410A)B1

If you don’t find that reassuring, you can watch this informational YouTube video, where a representative from The ESCO Institute tests and compares how A1, A2, A2L, and A3 rated refrigerants react when exposed to different ignition sources. The verdict? An A2L substance can only ignite under very specific conditions and is only slightly more likely to catch fire than an A1 substance.

The verdict? An A2L substance can only ignite under very specific conditions and is only slightly more likely to catch fire than an A1 substance.

So, there does not seem to be a cause for alarm. As a precaution, all our technicians have undergone special training on how to safely handle the new refrigerants.

How the New Refrigerant Requirements Affect You

New Equipment Designs Result in Consumer Price Increases

Unfortunately, there is no retrofit scenario for existing AC systems. This means that all R-410A air conditioning equipment on the market had to be redesigned to use R-454B or R-32.

The manufacturing costs involved with the redesign are resulting in higher prices for the consumer. So, you’ll be paying more to buy a new AC unit in 2025 than in 2024.

Are You Required to Upgrade Your Air Conditioner?

Does this mean you’ll need to buy a new air conditioner right away? The answer is no. You can keep your current air conditioner, no matter what refrigerant it uses, for the duration of its serviceable life.

Manufacturers were allowed to continue producing AC equipment that uses the old refrigerant until the end of 2024. HVAC contractors can still install R-410A equipment produced before the deadline until January 1, 2026.

However, here’s why we don’t expect the supply of R-410A systems to last until the end of the year:

  1. Manufacturers scaled back production of outdated equipment well ahead of the 12/31/24 deadline, aiming to avoid stranded inventory.
  2. In the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton in late summer 2024, many air conditioners in the southern US needed to be replaced, depleting much of the existing inventory.

By our estimates, most R-410A systems will be sold out by the end of the first quarter of 2025.

Also important to note: HVAC companies like us will be allowed to service, repair, and replace components of air conditioners with R-410A refrigerant for the foreseeable future. However, certain components as well as refrigerant for recharges will become scarcer with decreased production.

Our Expert Advice on the Best Time to Buy a New Air Conditioner:

  1. If your AC system is over 10 years old and you’re considering an upgrade, we recommend purchasing a new air conditioner with the old standard R-410A refrigerant while supplies last. There are a few reasons for this:
    1. Money Savings: An AC system with R-410A will cost you less (about 15%) than a similar model with the new refrigerant.
    2. Peace of Mind: You can have peace of mind with the “tried and true” R-410A, giving the industry time to shake out any bugs related to the new refrigerant.
    3. Enjoy Benefits: Your new AC system will still bring you benefits compared to your old AC, like increased energy efficiency and reliability.
  2. If your AC is under 10 years old and you’re happy with its performance, then we recommend waiting to upgrade until it becomes necessary to do so. By the time you need a new AC, R-454B and R-32 won’t be so new anymore and hopefully any kinks will have been resolved. To make sure your current system lasts as long as possible, be sure to keep up with regular maintenance (and consider a planned maintenance agreement).
  3. If you’re ready for an AC replacement, are excited about the environmental benefits of the new refrigerant, and the additional cost is not an object, then go ahead and upgrade to a new, R-454B compatible split system (or R-32 mini split). We’ll be happy to install one for you!

Let’s Chat About the Future of Your Home Comfort

At Kobie Complete, we are committed to helping you navigate the changes to home AC systems. If you live in Sarasota or Charlotte County, Florida, we invite you to contact us for a consultation and quote on a new AC system for your home. We are here to guide you to make the best HVAC decisions for your lifestyle and budget.

Get a Free AC Replacement Quote

Kobie Complete’s service area spans from Sarasota to Punta Gorda. Live in Sarasota and Charlotte County? Fill out the form below or call us at (941) 474-3691 to get a free, no-obligation quote on a new air conditioner installation.

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    “2024 Brings Sweeping Changes to the HVACR Industry”, Joanna R. Turpin, ACHR News, January 2, 2024, Accessed April 9, 2024.

    “TRANSITIONING TO LOW-GWP ALTERNATIVES in Residential and Commercial Air Conditioning and Chillers”, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP), December 2016, Accessed April 8, 2024.

    “Behind the Low-GWP Refrigerant Transition: R-454B and A2Ls”, Johnson Controls, Accessed December 26, 2024.

    “Technology Transitions Program Fact Sheet”, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), December 2023. Accessed April 9, 2024.

    “Technology Transitions”, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), December 21, 2023. Accessed April 9, 2024.

    “Substitutes in Residential and Light Commercial Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps”, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP), July 17, 2023,, Accessed April 9, 2024.

    “2025 Low GWP Compliant Refrigerants”, Lennox,, Accessed December 26, 2024.

    “What Is Puron Advance™? Explore Carrier’s New Refrigerant”, Carrier,, Accessed December 26, 2024., Accessed December 26, 2024.

    1“The facts about R-32 and R-454B”, R-32, 2022,  Accessed April 10, 2024.

    2“R-454B”, Carrier Air Conditioning and Heating Systems – Europe,  Accessed April 10, 2024.

    “Opteon™ XL41 (R-454B) Refrigerant”, Opteon, Accessed April 10, 2024.

    3Based on the chart in “Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 82 / Friday, April 28, 2023 / Rules and Regulations”,

    “Are Refrigerants Flammable?-“Did You Know” The ESCO HVAC Show”, YouTube, Uploaded by ESCO Institute-HVAC Excellence, Jul 12, 2023,

    Legal disclaimer:

    Recommendations above are based on current guidance from regulatory bodies but are subject to change. You should make decisions regarding your HVAC system based on your own research.

    Article Last updated: January 6, 2025

    Published on April 16, 2024 - Author: Mallory Gross

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